Support For Members
We are committed to helping our members age in place,
by either coordinating volunteer assistance or
connecting members who can help each other.
Following are a few examples of assistance we can
offer you through our volunteer network:
- Rides to medical appointments
- Weekly grocery store runs
- Changing a light bulb or smoke alarm batteries
- Technology Support
- Providing occasional meals
- Hospital or at-home visits
- Check-in phone calls
Members can contact the CCN office to request
assistance or to discuss specific needs not addressed here.
Care Connections Network does not provide emergency services,
housing, medical, or personal care services.
If members need these services,
CCN can recommend service providers or agencies that may be able to help.
Members should always request volunteer assistance through the office,
rather than directly with a volunteer.
Care Connections Network
(714) 962-9346
9812 Hamilton Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92646